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Constanţa recent comments:

  • The Culture House Park, Kesler (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    The Culture House Park is going to be partially removed in favor of a new church. They are demolishing the park, leaving us with even less public areas. This isn't the only example of public domain beeing seized by private entities to benefit other people in Constanta.
  • Andrei Şaguna University, Kesler (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Andrei Saguna University. It provides educational services to customers who plan on receiving a higher level of education. Andrei Saguna University specializes in: Economic Science - Management - Finances - Accounting ...
  • Tăbăcărie Park, Gogu (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Parc ce putea fi misto distrus de Mazare, Nicusor, Dutu si alti imbecili.
  • Audi Show Room, bnh (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Decebal High School, Danna (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Danna IXA (2007-2011) This hightschool is the best! :)
  • Dolphinarium, Danny (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    I added this message for all those who dont have any ideea about what's hidding in the Delfinarium. In this park around is a Planetarium (very interesting) Delfinarium (dolphyins shows) microreservation and lots of kinda birds inside .. if you're around .. dont miss it !
  • Leumi Bank, mirea victor (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    we are the future!
  • OB 9, (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    bl ob9
  • Red Club, zmeu79 wrote 17 years ago:
  • The "Oleg Danovski" National Theatre of Opera and Ballet, zmeu79 wrote 17 years ago:
    Dorule... mai vrei bah sa ieshi la pensie d-acolo?
  • La Taclale, zmeu79 wrote 17 years ago:
    dape... treaba
  • FC20, zmeu79 wrote 17 years ago:
    am baut aici intr-o seara, da` nu mai shtiu la cine :)))
  • Ovidius University, the Medicine Faculty, U.K.MANDAL (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Mimita to join Medicine in 2007-08
  • Pizza OK Restaurant, Pizza OK (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Pizza OK
  • mindfluid, bacu (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    cool place especially if you want to enjoy a proper drink and choose from a wide selection, have fun with your friends or relax on the confortable sofas with your girlfriend..
  • Andante Cafe, luci wrote 18 years ago:
    Free wireless hotspot.
  • The Tomis Technical College, Anonymous (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Liceu de gaozari :))
  • Romaris Taxi & Travel Agency, Vali Barbulescu (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Sediul uneia dintre cele mai prestigioase companii din orasul Constanta. Imediat dupa 1990 aceasta firma a ramas constant un etalon pentru activitati in turism, taximetrie, transport de persoane, alimentatie publica si activitati hoteliere. In ultimul timp angajaza foarte multi tineri in departamentul I.T. Sper ca va fi o surpriza placuta.
  • Republica Cinema, omar_91 (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    cand se deschida asta :))
  • International IT High School, tibi (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    if u want to ruin u're child-s life....send hime to the turkis highschool... Daca vrei sa distrugi viata copuluilui tau trimite-l la licentul turcesc unde profesorii nu stiu nici romana nici engleza...doar turca.