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Constanţa recent comments:

  • Traffic Police, io (guest) wrote 2 years ago:
    s-s mutat
  • The Casino, C.Hunter (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    yep, in these photos looks nice. Nowadays is looking like a ruin.
  • Şuţu Villa, C.Hunter (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    should be: 'Ruins of ......."
  • Seaside Shopping Mall & Auchan 2 Hypermarket, ?? (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Au facut pana la urma Maritimo
  • Mihai Iorga Street, resident (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Mihail Jora, plm, nimic nu știți...
  • Cafe Do Brasil, Ilaria Mini wrote 9 years ago:
    Service is more than bad , do not recommend to go there , absolutely not paid in Euros , because cheat you( if not steal) for two espressos ( aqueous ) 12 LEI asked us 10 euro ( when in fact they are 3 € ) , and do not give, the rest in Lei or in Euros ! ( When before taking the drink we asked the clerk if we could pay in Euros, and they answered affermative ) Saleswoman blonde who speaks ' ' in Italian ' ' after having pointed out the mistake out that they were not 10euro but 3euro (1 euro = 4,40 LEI), she is was rude is irritating ( saying rudely : next time change the euro in Lei ) ! Absolutely not recommend it !
  • AdiVin SuperMarket, gabi (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    m-am repetat pt ca nu puteam sterge ce am scris....deci este ceva la mijloc..V-ati prins de ce este aglomerat in zona Faleza nord? pt ca vine lume din Mamaia !
  • AdiVin SuperMarket, gabi (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    O intrebare de baraj... De ce este aglomerat pe timpul verii la Adivin pe timpul verii
  • AdiVin SuperMarket, gabi (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    nu mai face pa" tine prietene ca nu este mancarea buna...miroase a concurenta..te-a pus cineva sa scri aiurea.Eu m fost de zeci de ori la ei,sunt un om simplu,muncitor.
  • Fast Food Cin-Cin, Sorin (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Cea mai rafinata carne stricata, cei mai frumosi gandaci de bucatarie, cea mai multa lipsa de respect pentru client, cel mai nesimtit patron... mai zic sau ati prins ideea ?
  • Railway station "North Agigea", flovs wrote 10 years ago:
    6 LINII
  • Academy of the Kindergartens, Flügelhornist (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Many people from Constanța go to the Italian Forlì.
  • The Ovid Statue, MUHAMMAD MIJANUR RASHID (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    A great poet Of Constanta ,Romania. I salute u , Ovidu
  • Military Camp, trvhmrpcf (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    legitimatie portar: BCO (Brigada Criminalitate Organizata)
  • The Great Synagogue (abandoned), Cristian Andrei Leonte (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
  • ARIADNA RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX, ADY88 wrote 11 years ago:
    o spaga, o retrocedare, un spatiu verde pierdut
  • Charles Darwin Street, supergaz wrote 11 years ago:
    Supergaz Fuel System Service-Gpl
  • The Puppet Theatre, Chris Shirley [- Smith (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Hallo Constanta Puppet Theatre! I visited you in January 1973 as part of my study tour of Romanian puppet theatre. Your play was most impressive - about salt (sare) I think. Could you please tell me the real title of this play. Have you any photographs from it still. Maybe you can send me a scan. Many thanks. Very best wishes, from Chris
  • MM Recycling, David (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    HDPE ?